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  • Tres con espejo - Three with mirror

    2004. Acrylic, sepia and white pencil
    70 x 99 cm

  • Cuatro sobe gris - Four, on grey

    2004. Acrylic and crayons

  • Un zapato en el espejo - One shoe in the mirror

    2004. Sepia and White pencil

  • Siete camareras sobre púrpura - Seven waitresses on purple

    2004. Acrylic, sanguine and white pencil

  • Casi tocando - Almost touching

    2004. White pencil and acrylic

  • Un guante - One glove

    2004. Acrylic, sanguine and crayons

  • Corsé y zapato rojo - Red corset and shoe

    2004. Acrylic and cryons

  • De frente y espalda - Front and back

    2004. Sanguine and White pencil

  • Espejo sobre morado - Mirror on purple

    2004. Acrylic and cryons
    70 x 50 cm

  • Guantes negros sobre purpura - Black gloves on purple

    2004. Acrylic

  • Guantes y medias blancas - Gloves and white stockings

    2004. Acrylic
    66 x 106 cm

  • La copa - The glass

    2004. Sanguine

  • El pantalón amarillo - The yellow trausers

    2004. Acrylic and white pencil

  • Un zapato en el espejo - One shoe in the mirror

    2004. Sepia, and white pencil

  • Un guante - One glove

    2004. Acrylic, sanguine and crayons

  • Dos figuras en el suelo - Two figures on the floor

    2003. Acrylic, sanguine and white pencil
    75 x 109 cm